What's in a name?

Say-boh..Seh-boh....See-boh.....I'm actually not even sure how I'd pronounce it myself.

So I used a little undergrad level Greek to find a clever name. The lab's name comes from
"sebomai" or defined as 'to revere' or 'to worship'**. My hope is for this recent endeavor to create space physical and spiritual that nurtures and creates a sense of awestruck wonder. 

I want to thank everyone who supported me along the way to get me to this point. My parents, especially my mom who recently was finally able to articulate "Eugene just has a knack for working with his hands", Yaeeun for being especially understanding of all the long hours I spend at the shop honing whatever the craft of the day is, and the creative community around me that continually encourage and inspire me to stretch and flex the talents and gifts we're all blessed with. 

So the lingering question: just what does SEBO:Labs even do? To be honest, I'm not entirely sure myself. But what I am sure of, we are creatures created in the image of its creator. Before the need for a business model, mission statements or even a logo, there is a deep need to create. So until we figure out what this is all about, we'll keep creating.

I'm so excited to keep pushing this endeavor years in the making. Stay tuned.




  • **For the seminarians and linguists out there I know that there is a more appropriate word to use regarding the idea of worship but you try getting people to pronounce Proskuneo right on the first try.