The StoryBrand Framework through Lens of the Enneagram

It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of the Enneagram and if we know each other through any remote business-related context then you’ve heard me recommend the StoryBrand Framework. This blog post is a double inside joke of how different Enneagram types see or interpret the StoryBrand Framework.

If I haven’t mentioned StoryBrand - I apologize for being a bad friend. I’ve started implementing the framework in my own practice and hope to become a certified Guide one day! Until then…I will continue to religiously listen to the podcast and subscribe to their Business Made Simple Daily series! you’d think this post was sponsored…boy I wish.

The StoryBrand Framework in a nutshell: Created by Donald Miller (of Blue Like Jazz and many other Christian memoir fame) promotes the idea that creating a clear message is the best way to grow your business. The framework itself is based off the idea of story in the form of seven basic messages 1. A character/hero, 2. has a problem, 3. that meets a guide (you!), 4. who gives them a plan, 5. and calls them to action, 6. that ends in success, and a helps them avoid failure, 7. resulting in the hero being transformed!

The Enneagram in a nutshell: Based on ancient wisdom, the Enneagram is a personality typology summarized in by nine types focusing on people’s motivations instead of their behavior. Each of the nine types have a distinct childhood lie that resonated with them that turned into their core need that is fulfilled by their core sin or vice in their pursuit to become whole.

Without further ado - The StoryBrand Brandscript Framework through the Lens of the Enneagram!

**Disclaimer: This whole project is meant to highlight different ways the Framework might be incorrectly implemented, based on simplified caricatures of the Enneagram Types. This by no means a definitive guide on either StoryBrand or the Enneagram!…yet.

The Type 1 maybe tempted to be super detailed in their presentation of how to reach success, with many many steps with sub-steps etc etc - truth is the human brain can only take so much at once. StoryBrand recommends only present three simple steps!…

The Type 1 maybe tempted to be super detailed in their presentation of how to reach success, with many many steps with sub-steps etc etc - truth is the human brain can only take so much at once. StoryBrand recommends only present three simple steps! There’s a time and place for details, but when establishing why your product or service is necessary - keep it simple and clear.

The Type 2 naturally makes a great guide! However the temptation might be to over emphasize their empathy but forget or even intentionally shy away from asserting their authority on the matter. Your client might appreciate that you care but they als…

The Type 2 naturally makes a great guide! However the temptation might be to over emphasize their empathy but forget or even intentionally shy away from asserting their authority on the matter. Your client might appreciate that you care but they also need to be reassured you have an expertise or authority on your subject matter and why they should trust you to get them out of their situation!

The Type 3 might have the opposite problem - the ever image conscious Type 3 may over emphasize all their qualifications and past successes but neglect the opportunity to express they truly understand what the Hero is going through, even if it means…

The Type 3 might have the opposite problem - the ever image conscious Type 3 may over emphasize all their qualifications and past successes but neglect the opportunity to express they truly understand what the Hero is going through, even if it means showing a formerly weaker or inexperienced side.

The Type 4 in their ability to feel deeply of other people’s struggles might have a tendency to over emphasize the downside of what might happen if their audience doesn’t take action towards change. StoryBrand advises you only sprinkle in mentions o…

The Type 4 in their ability to feel deeply of other people’s struggles might have a tendency to over emphasize the downside of what might happen if their audience doesn’t take action towards change. StoryBrand advises you only sprinkle in mentions of failure like salt. Don’t over do it or risk shutting down your listener’s brain and push them into a flight-or-fight mentality where no logical decisions can be made.

The Type 5 might be tempted to hide their process in the interest of not giving away too much information. Perhaps its the patented process or the secret sauce of their business, that’s fine! What is important, is that as a guide you provide clear s…

The Type 5 might be tempted to hide their process in the interest of not giving away too much information. Perhaps its the patented process or the secret sauce of their business, that’s fine! What is important, is that as a guide you provide clear steps for the hero to take towards their successful ending. As a brand it does not hurt to be known as a generous company. If your service or product is genuinely needed in the marketplace, people will still want to partner with you even if you give away how you would do it.

The Type 6 maybe prone to over emphasize the problem - perhaps to the point a solution may not be in sight. If you spend too much time dwelling on the problem, you’re crowding yourself out of the brain space needed to present the plan that leads to …

The Type 6 maybe prone to over emphasize the problem - perhaps to the point a solution may not be in sight. If you spend too much time dwelling on the problem, you’re crowding yourself out of the brain space needed to present the plan that leads to success! Remember - you don’t want to overwhelm your customers with to many mentions of failure.

The Type 7 only experiences emotions half way - if you’re not identifying the problem the Hero is facing they won’t be motivated to move. In fact, if your audience does not know what is at stake, why would they bother talking to you or learning more…

The Type 7 only experiences emotions half way - if you’re not identifying the problem the Hero is facing they won’t be motivated to move. In fact, if your audience does not know what is at stake, why would they bother talking to you or learning more about your product or service? Businesses sell solutions to an external problem, but customers buy products to solve an internal problem. If you don’t know what those are you won’t be very clear.

The Type 8 can be the most assertive type on the Enneagram, because of this they have no problem calling the Hero to action - however sometimes they might not be ready to take the leap and will need the option to make a softer transitional commitmen…

The Type 8 can be the most assertive type on the Enneagram, because of this they have no problem calling the Hero to action - however sometimes they might not be ready to take the leap and will need the option to make a softer transitional commitment first.

The Type 9 on the other hand may not make a call to action at all! Contrary to popular belief people are very comfortable where they are - people will only move when you tell them to - a direct call to action. So don’t be vague or shy, every hero’s …

The Type 9 on the other hand may not make a call to action at all! Contrary to popular belief people are very comfortable where they are - people will only move when you tell them to - a direct call to action. So don’t be vague or shy, every hero’s journey needs to have an ‘inciting incident’. Make it clear and make it direct because their success depends on it.

What's in a name?

Say-boh..Seh-boh....See-boh.....I'm actually not even sure how I'd pronounce it myself.

So I used a little undergrad level Greek to find a clever name. The lab's name comes from
"sebomai" or defined as 'to revere' or 'to worship'**. My hope is for this recent endeavor to create space physical and spiritual that nurtures and creates a sense of awestruck wonder. 

I want to thank everyone who supported me along the way to get me to this point. My parents, especially my mom who recently was finally able to articulate "Eugene just has a knack for working with his hands", Yaeeun for being especially understanding of all the long hours I spend at the shop honing whatever the craft of the day is, and the creative community around me that continually encourage and inspire me to stretch and flex the talents and gifts we're all blessed with. 

So the lingering question: just what does SEBO:Labs even do? To be honest, I'm not entirely sure myself. But what I am sure of, we are creatures created in the image of its creator. Before the need for a business model, mission statements or even a logo, there is a deep need to create. So until we figure out what this is all about, we'll keep creating.

I'm so excited to keep pushing this endeavor years in the making. Stay tuned.




  • **For the seminarians and linguists out there I know that there is a more appropriate word to use regarding the idea of worship but you try getting people to pronounce Proskuneo right on the first try.